Read how a successful Staying Strong telehealth pilot halved the cost of chronic disease management and monitoring in rural and remote communities in Australia.
Nov 19, 2018
Community care provider integratedliving has begun a roll out of telehealth services to 13 different regions in four states of Australia, following the success of its Staying Strong telehealth pilot project.
The pilot trialled in-home and hub-based monitoring of vital signs for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It was delivered both in-home and through telehealth hubs at local Aboriginal medical centres which provide a safe and welcoming environment for older Indigenous community members to learn about and use the telehealth service.
Using the Tunstall myclinic telehealth solution, including a touchscreen tablet, Integrated Care Platform (ICP) monitoring software and vital sign peripherals, participants self monitored their vital signs.
The project monitored participants with varying conditions, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and high blood cholesterol, with integratedliving registered nurses working with participants and their GP to develop individual health and monitoring plans based on these health needs.