
Smart Hub: Connecting people, connected care
The Lifeline Smart Hub is a complete ‘Connected Care’ monitoring and alarm system for the home. It uses future proof, smart technology to connect service users with care professionals in real time, enabling people to live independently in their own homes.

Intelligent sensors
A whole bodyguard is on standby to sound the alarm immediately in an emergency: fire detectors, temperature detectors, contact mats, smoke detectors, burglar alarms as well as body worn FallDetectors, which immediately report any fall even without manual emergency call activation. And these are just some of the many carefully coordinated components of this contemporary system for physical and domestic safety. The various accessory components can be combined in numerous ways.

CONCENTO/CARE Modulares Lichtruf-System
The requirements and needs of everyday nursing care are becoming more complex and changing all the time. As a result, the demands placed on modern nurse call and communication systems are also increasing. CONCENTO/CARE masters these developments in a futureproof manner and makes it easier to Day-to-day business in nursing homes, senior citizens' residences, residential complexes and facilities for assisted living on all levels. With the wellbeing of the nursing staff and the residents in mind, the focus is on making care more efficient and increasing living comfort in the long term.